Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Sen. Inhofe (R- jackass)

I'm not surprised that John McCain left the room during Inhofe's pro-torture ramblings.

Senator Inhofe, people were tortured. Like Jesse Berney says, it shouldn't matter what sort of people these were. Torture is a crime against humanity, a crime that cannot be tolerated. Even if the acts of brutality in Abu Ghraib prison weren't abominations, they have become propaganda for our enemies.

When you go after the media, or Democrats, saying that it's not as bad as all that, remember that the photos produced are just the tip of the iceberg. There is more, and it is probably more damaging.

Your outrage at the outrage at others, is, itself a little outrageous. If systematic humiliation, the siccing of dogs on naked prisoners, and the killing of prisoners in custody don't trouble you, I really wonder what your values are.