Sunday, October 31, 2004

Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani is a deeply dishonest man. Dishonesty is inevitable when you carry water for George W. Bush, but he is just embarrassing.

I saw this unctuous little authoritarian on MTP where he felt totally at liberty to repeat every demonstrably false Republican talking point there is, including the myth that OBL might not have been at Tora Bora, that we certainly didn't outsource the job, and that Kerry voted to slash intelligence.

But the worst was his defense of his own indefensible statements that the troops are to blame for the disappearance of 380 tons of explosives. Rambling, politicianlike misdirection- that was all he had, as slimy as the sermon of most devious used car salesman. This is how you shall know the Republicans- they shall speak without fail of values and loyalty, and yet they shall defame the sanctity of marriage in their actions, in a fashion as public and disrespectful as is conceivable. So shall they exculpate the powerful from responsibility, as shall they find fault only with the lowest ranked and least culpable soldiers.

I'm tired of slimy little scumbags like Rudy Giuliani, whose entire reputation rests on the way he used one of this country's greatest tragedies as an occasion for self-aggrandizement, being treated as saints and heroes. Hypocrites and character assassins like Giuliani deserved to be seen as what they are- little men corrupted by power and love of 'team' (ie. Republicans) over country.

Our media discourse passes over deeply partisan liars like Giuliani as if they are beyond reproach. No one is beyond reproach, but least of all are those willing to soil themselves to put corrupt incompetents in office.