Sunday, November 14, 2004

Fix the Media

I'm watching the Chris Matthews show and the most reasonable person on there is Andrew Sullivan. Which is not to say I've suddenly become conservative.

The fact is that our punditocracy is dominated by softheaded middle-aged white millionaires whose blue-state self-hatred is only matched by their Heatherism. This needs to stop. I'm tired of hearing morons like Gloria Borger light up with glee talking about how Hillary Clinton is going to move to a Red State so she can run for president. I'm tired of hearing out-of-touch chuckleheads like Sam Donaldson describe an utterly unrevealing video snippet of Hillary talking about gay marriage as indicative of her Triangulation. Do these nitwits have a script?

And I'm sure as hell tired of hearing Borger tell us that the party of working people (the Democrats) is now elitist. Excuse me, you overpaid shithead. You are the elites. Really. You don't speak for anyone but self-loathing, BMW-driving, DC dinner party circuit media millionaires. The Republican party is run by businessmen and religious demogogues. That they appeal to the worst populism does nothing to change that this is the party of the Bush dynasty, of Southern aristocrats like Bill Frist, the party of tort reform and the repeal of the estate tax. It is not an accident that the Bushes have so many connections to the culturally medieval, deeply dysfunctional, and definitively elitist Saudi royal family. Democrats fail to win Mississippi, and sudenly Democrats are the elitists. Feh.

I don't like Andrew Sullivan. He's a butt-scratching prig, and not without his hypocrisies. So it shouldn't take an Andrew Sullivan to bring up the fact that Bill Clinton's perception as culturally divisive is largely if not principally the doing of the rising Religious Right.

That said, Andy don't get it. The people who voted for Bush based on "moral values" ARE bigots. They hate everything that Andy stands for and is. Andy is a Blue-state foreigner homosexual- HIV positive no less. He'd have to be French rather than British to be a better target for the cultural neanderthals of this country.